…yeah! It has been a while, but I am finally moving forward with this project. Since this fall I’ve been working with engineer Timothy Bieniosek and it has been a pleasure. After our first day of planning and defining our goal, he immediately said lets hack the mp3 player and lets figure this out. YEAH!
Now here is a sneak peek of what we had accomplished after cracking our heads on how were were going to hack a Sansa Clip MP3 player to play and pause with an arduino and how to connect it all to a radio transmitter which will broadcast live to a set of headphones.
This is our Sansa Clip wide-open and exposed with copper-wires connecting to what it used to be a mini play/pause push-bottom.
Here is Tim connecting the mp3 player to an breadboard and arduino to trigger the play/pause of the mp3 player. No significant results yet….
Here I am making a set of 3 diones to drop the 12.60 voltage of our rechargeable battery to power our radio transmitter that only needs 12 volts. So far so good. It is given out a 12.09 volts. Close enough!
We were curious how our radio transmitter looks on the inside. :))
Overview of our station during “Drop and Do” at DM+D about three weeks ago.